Did you know?

Each species of grasshopper have their own song.

Yes you CAN!

This class is all based on something I heard on the news. The food shelters need donations but if you donate cans, please see if you can include a can opener.
I will be donating can openers with an assortment of cans to local food banks. The teen/tweens will learn the art of kawaii illustration mixed with Andy Warhol's pop can art by creating fun labels for all of the cans and the can openers. They will also have the option of creating a mini pop art can painting. The painting can be do noted or can be a keepsake for doing a good thing. Although I will be purchasing 2 cans for every student that attends, I would greatly appreciate any other can donations. The food banks have been running out of supplies on a regular basis.

$250 for up to 15 teens

$275 for 15 kits with a video link

$300 for 15 kits and a live zoom

Earns 1 hour of community service
*Earn and extra 30 minutes of community service for bringing in 3 canned items to donate

Sarah Urtnowski – Young Adult Librarian, Jericho Public Library

I couldn’t ask for a better person than Leslie to hire for my craft programs. One of my favorite moments was when Leslie brought some crafting materials that were a little “goth” because she had noticed a teen that was interested in that. She pays attention to each teen who attend the programs and has learned their preferences. The teens respond easily to her instructions and suggestions. Leslie is professional and easy to work with.

Sarah Urtnowski – Young Adult Librarian, Jericho Public Library

To book this program:

By Phone: 516-695-9071
By Email: leslie@greenearthcraft.com

Or to book online:

Please select an available date and fill out the form below. We will contact you to confirm the details.

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